Sell us your items

Those are some of the things we buy

Used Books

We buy all types of books in decent condition

College Textbooks

We pay fair prices for all types of recent textbooks in decent condition


We buy all sorts of media – CDs, DVDs, Blu-Ray and Video games


We buy electronics in working condition

Other Items

We will buy anything that suits our business model so don’t be afraid to ask

Sell Your Items Form

Sell your items

    Your E-mail (required)

    Your location (required)

    Your phone number (optional but preferred)

    Would you like to sell or donate?

    What would you like to sell or donate?

    BooksCDsDVDsVideo GamesElectronicsOther

    How many units do you wish to sell or donate?

    1 - 5051 - 100101 - 500501 - 1,0001,000+

    Attach a picture of the items (optional)

    Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

    If you have more than a few hundred books, we may be able to come to you – Call or complete our form and we will find the best arrangement. If you have only a few books we will ask for a picture of the books or ISBN list to make sure it is worth your time to bring it to us. If you live close to our offices we might come to you instead. We will take a look at your books and pay you for the ones we want.

    Books: we pay approximately between 1$ to 2$ for an average paperback or hardcover book.

    Textbooks (not outdated ones): prices vary and usually we will pay top dollar.

    Electronics: we pay based on the condition of the item and what comes with it, each case to its own.

    Others: based on each items and its condition

    If you have more than a few hundred items or just bulky items, we may be able to come to you – Call or complete our form and we will find the best arrangement.

    If you have only a few items we will ask for a pictures of the items or ISBN list (if books) to make sure it is worth your time to bring it to us.

    If you live close to our offices we might come to you instead.

    All items that have been donated or bought and we find no use for for them in our company we will just give back to the community.

    We support local businesses and community centers so your items will reach good hands in any case!